Collaborate online with fellow users
Invite other MeltDB Users of this project to have a look at your chromatograms and spectra via the webbrowser. Discuss your data in real-time over the web!
Import raw chromatogram data
This is for users, who would like to upload a new chromatogram in netCDF, mzXML or mzData format. This is the action you probably want to start with!
Organize Chromatograms in Chromatogram Groups
Here you can create a new ChromatogramGroup, which means selecting and organizing chromatograms. After your (replicate) groups have been defined, an experiment can be constructed from them.
Create a new Experiment
An MeltDB experiment can be created by selecting and organizing chromatogram groups. After the experiment has been defined, further analyses like peak detection, chromatogram alignment and peak identification can be performed on the contained chromatograms.
iMelt - Browse/analyse my data
Show my MeltDB Experiments, ChromatogramGroups and Chromatograms.
Organize Experimental Factors
Create new experimental factors and specify their parameters. Growth media, treatment conditions, harvesting protocols and so forth can be defined and used for describing your experiments.